Gruntziclez Level 4

  • start with 3 gruntz; 2 empty, 1 with gauntletz, trapped by fort
  • 1 empty gruntz walks up, steps on silver switch, goes through timerz/silver pyramidz
  • empty gruntz uses megaphone-- strawz, steps on silver switch, exits pyramidz
  • give strawz to empty gruntz
  • strawz gruntz sucks all goo
  • empty gruntz picks up gauntletz, kills gunhat gruntz
  • straw gruntz sucks goo, bake gruntz
  • both gruntz step on purple switch, release new gruntz
  • gauntletz gruntz breaks rock near beginning, leave him there for now
  • new gruntz walks up and to the right, across breakable ice, picks up rock, walks right, to green switchez
  • rock gruntz throws rockz at purple enemy gruntz and green enemy gruntz below him, until they are killed
  • rock gruntz stands on spikez between green switchez and pyramidz to open red teleport to the left of the green switchez
  • rock gruntz goes through red teleport, picks up coin, walks behind trees and steps on '?' switch
  • gauntletz gruntz follows arrows pointing down to new stairs, picks up coin, breaks rocks, walks back down stairs
  • rock gruntz walks back through red teleport
  • gauntletz gruntz and strawz gruntz stand on pressure platez
  • gauntletz gruntz breaks rockz
  • gauntletz gruntz walks right, past yellow switchez, breaks rockz
  • strawz gruntz walks right, sucks goo
  • rockz gruntz steps on green switch on the right
  • rockz gruntz steps on green swithc in the middle
  • move gauntletz gruntz and strawz gruntz to middle row of green pyramidz
  • rockz gruntz steps on green switch on the right
  • gauntletz gruntz and strawz gruntz exit green pyramidz
  • gauntletz gruntz and strawz gruntz kill purple enemy gruntz
  • strawz gruntz sucks goo
  • gauntletz gruntz walks to the left, breaks rockz, avoiding the gunhat gruntz below him
  • gauntletz gruntz walks to red switch and stands on it
  • rock gruntz walks past red pyramidz to stand on '1' switch
  • gauntletz gruntz walks past red switch to blue switch
  • gauntletz gruntz breaks rockz, picks up beachball
  • strawz gruntz walks across ice, picks up coin, picks up jack-in-the-box
  • gauntletz/beachball gruntz and strawz/jack-in-the-box gruntz walk to presure platez
  • give beachball and jack-in-the-box to enemy gruntz
  • gauntletz gruntz breaks rocks, picks up coin
  • both walk past enemy gruntz
  • gauntletz gruntz breaks rockz
  • gauntletz gruntz kills green enemy gruntz
  • strawz gruntz sucks goo
  • strawz gruntz steps on red switch
  • both gruntz go past red pyramidz
  • gauntletz gruntz walks down, to the left, and steps on red switch
  • gauntletz gruntz walks up, breaks rock, steps on '1' switch, breaks rock -- leave warpstone for now
  • strawz gruntz steps off red switch, enters red pyramidz
  • strawz gruntz walks down, to the right, to step on red switch
  • strawz gruntz walks down, to the right to the red switch, and steps on green switch
  • strawz gruntz walks down, to the left (don't step on red switch), to step on the next red switch
  • strawz gruntz walks right, up, and to the left, picks up spy gear
  • spy gruntz walks past green pyramidz, spys bricks
  • spy gruntz stands on purple switch
  • gauntletz gruntz walks left, picks up warpstone, steps on purple switch and releases gauntletz gruntz
  • warpstone gruntz walks to and to the left, picks up warpletter
  • gauntletz gruntz breaks brown/red bricks
  • warpstone gruntz brings warpstone to king


Survivors  4
Deaths 0
Toolz  4
Toyz 2
Powerups 0
Coins  4
Secretz  2


Cheatz for completing all 4 levelz:



GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz

Copyright © 1999 - 2003
Last modified: May 31, 2005

Email: pattycakes